In 2001 Aslan made up his mind to work on his own album of Circassian music. His aspirations were supported by many successful Circassians: famous lawyer Albert Kazharov, Arsen Kanokov, Murat Isakov, Muharbiy Cherkesov, Albert Nazranov.
The project has drown a great number of participants and assistants. Professionalism of the music performers- Anzor and Murat Uvizh, Zuber Ivazov, Zaur Chilov, Lebanese Circassian Blyanighap'tsa Nart, supported by many marvelous voices of Kabarda are impressing. Album cover belong to the brush of the talented Kabardian artist - Murat Dishech, Italy. Album Design - the merit of a Syrian Circassian- Yerokua Bishar.
French writer Romen Rollan named music " song of centuries and a flower of a history ". One after another, Aslan's soundtracks take up back to ancient legends and tunes, heard in childhood from grandmothers.
Here invincible warrior Sosruko competes in power and dexterity with others narts, dancing on traditional Circassian tri-table - "ane аIнэ". Here Tlepsh, the master of iron, beating hammers over anvil ... And light-handed Adiyuh runs down the river that echos her sad songs. And here the god of woods Mezitha blesses Badinokua to furtunate hunting.Instrumental folk tunes are echoed with music of the nature - the bird's trills, wispers of the river. Even formerly known melodies in Aslan's execution begin to sound in a whole new way, causing new associations,bringing up new images.
For instrance, the epigraph to the composition "Udge Hesh" ("Удж хэш") is the original music of the famous Kuratsa Chashirgh, whose accordion is exhibited in the Folklore Museum of Kabardino-Balkaria.
Thus, the album has turned out musically and artly refined. Here we will find "Kafe", and "Udge - Udzh", "Ghybza", and "Dzhag'u" in all their variety. Aslan Dudarov appeared to be not only gifted musician, but also a pleasant interlocutor.
Гу х э л ъ
01.Мэздэгу адыгэхэм я къафэ - Mezdegu Adygehem Ya K'afe 6:43 |
02.Гухэлъ пшыналъэ - Guhalt' Pshinale 3.34 Download Sample |
03.Удж пыху - Udge (Udzh) Pihu 2.52 |
04.Абазэ джэгу - Abaze Dzhagu 5.03 Download Sample |
05.ЗэхуэкIуэ кIыхь - Zehuakue Kih 7.01 Download Full |
06.Лъапэлъэф (абазэхэ зэхуэкIуэ) - Lapelef 3.15 |
07.ЩIалэгъуалэ зэхуэкIуэ - Shaleguale Zehuakue 2.18 |
08.Хъурашэ (шапсыгъ удж) - Hurashe 2.48 Download Full |
09.Сосрыкъуэ и къафэ - Sosrikue Yi K'afe 4.10 |
10.Гущэ - Gushe 2.54 |
11.Удж хэш - Udge Hesh 2.12 Download Sample |
12.Абазэхэ гъыбзэ - Abazehe Ghybza 3.22 |
13.Гухэлъ пшыналъэ - Guhalt' Pshinale 3.35 Download Sample |
14.Удж хъурей - Udge Hurey 2.42 |
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